
访问: In the case of a facility, readily usable by a particular individual; in the case 一个计划或活动,以这样一种方式呈现或提供给一个特定的个体 can participate, with or without auxiliary aid(s); in the case of electronic resources, 可使用或不使用辅助计算机技术. (DO-IT,残疾相关词汇表

住宿使一个程序、设施或资源易于残疾人使用的调整 一个残疾.残疾相关词汇表(DO-IT, http://www.washington.edu/doit/glossary-disability-related-terms)

自适应技术: Hardware or software products that provide access to a computer that is otherwise 残疾人无法接近的残疾人无法接近的. (DO-IT,残疾相关词汇表

可调表: Tables move up and down to accommodate students with  limitation needs.

辅助技术: Technology used to assist a person with 一个残疾, e.g.轮椅,手夹板, 计算机设备. (DO-IT,残疾相关词汇表

盲文:由六个盲文单元组成的压印字系统 dots consisting of two vertical columns of three dots each. 每个简单的盲文字符 is formed by 一个 or more of these dots and occupies a full cell or 空间. 一些盲文 可以用八个点. 残疾相关词汇表(DO-IT)

听写一种辅助技术工具,可以帮助有写作障碍的人. With dictation technology, individuals can write words by speaking them aloud. 听写 有时被称为“语音到文本”.” (DO-IT,残疾相关词汇表)

字幕电影或视频: 录影:为使放映的电影或录像便于观看而对其文字部分进行转录 给耳聋的人. (DO-IT,残疾相关词汇表)

字幕:包含在视频演示或广播中的文本,使观看者能够观看 with hearing impairments to have access to the audio portion of the material.

闭路电视放大镜: Camera used to magnify books or other materials to a monitor or television. (DO-IT,残疾相关词汇表)

通信设备: Hardware that allows a person who has difficulty using their 的声音 clearly to use 用于交流的文字或符号. 可能从一个简单的图片的复杂程度 板状复杂的电子器件允许个性化、独特的构造 的想法. (DO-IT,残疾相关词汇表)

补偿工具: Assistive computing systems that allow people with disabilities to use computers to complete tasks that they would have difficulty doing without a computer, e.g., 阅读,写作,交流,获取信息. (DO-IT,残疾相关词汇表)

残疾: 严重限制一项或多项主要生活活动的身体或精神损伤; a record of such an impairment; or being regarded as having such an impairment (Americans 1990年残疾人法案). 歧视:区别对待的行为 或者是基于个人优点之外的喜好. (DO-IT,残疾相关词汇表)

龙的自然语言(DNS)语音识别软件. 学生可以通过语音操作电脑 命令.This software is useful for those who type less than 20 words a minute. It can dictate into most word processing programs at 50+ wpm. 

E-Agreements: Students are required to  sign E-Agreement(s) every 学期, for accommodations 在MyAEC. 电子协议签名是根据学生规定的住宿条件确定的. Student signatures ensure that the student is aware of AEC policies and will abide 由他们.

学院通知信: 教师会通过电子邮件收到一封通知信,列出学生的住宿情况, with detailed information, following the student's accommodation requests for the 学期. 教师 notification letters are emailed throughout the 学期.

大白鲨:微软视窗电脑屏幕阅读器程序. 它允许盲人和视觉 受损用户使用文本到语音输出来阅读屏幕,并可以进行导航 使用快捷键.

收集当前位置lean是一个让学生记录讲座和演讲的笔记程序. 在使用Zoom时也可以使用lean. 

听力障碍由于各种伤害或疾病而完全或部分丧失听力 包括先天性缺陷. (DO-IT,残疾相关词汇表)

大字印刷书籍: Most ordinary print is six to ten points in height (about 1/16 to 1/8 of an inch). 大号是14到18个点(大约1/8到1/4英寸),有时 更大的. The format of large print books is also proportionately 更大的 (usually 8 1/2 x 11英寸). (DO-IT,残疾相关词汇表)

主要生活活动: 诸如照顾自己、完成体力劳动、走路、看、听、 speaking, breathing, learning, working, and participating in community activities (《lol菠菜网正规平台》). (DO-IT,残疾相关词汇表)

流动障碍: Disability that affects movement ranging from gross motor skills such as walking to fine motor movement involving manipulation of objects by hand. (DO-IT,残疾相关词汇表)

多媒体: In terms of electronic information, any data which is presented through several formats including text, graphics, moving pictures and sound. (DO-IT,残疾相关词汇表)

MyAEC学生门户网站允许学生申请AEC查看他们的住宿, schedule all their exams, and view their notes from their notetaker. 的记录本 Portal allows notetakers to apply online, register their courses, and upload notes 为学生使用笔记住宿.教师门户允许教授 to manage accommodations for all courses and all students in a single location. 

记事:本校为残疾学生提供笔记服务 学生在上课时记笔记. 笔记员在上课时做笔记 讲座或任何与课堂学习相关的讨论,包括在线和面对面. 

光学字符识别(OCR): Technology system that scans and converts printed materials into electronic text. (DO-IT,残疾相关词汇表)

身体或精神上的损害: 任何生理上的紊乱或状况、外貌上的缺陷或解剖上的缺失 affecting 一个 or more of the following body systems: neurological; musculoskeletal; special sense organs; respiratory, including speech organs; cardiovascular; reproductive; digestive; genito-urinary; hemic and lymphatic; skin; and endocrine; or any mental 或者心理障碍,比如智力迟钝,器质性脑综合症,情绪化 or mental illness, and specific learning disabilities (Americans with Disabilities 1990年法案). (DO-IT,残疾相关词汇表)

私人房间: 位于一个分散注意力的环境中,只有一个学生在测试. 例如,在AEC的测试中心,有5个单独的房间,其中最多有2个 1 student/per room is used, 4 walls, and a floor to ceiling door that closes. 

合格的残疾人士: 一个残疾人,无论是否对规则进行合理修改, 政策,或实践,移除建筑,通信,或运输 障碍,或提供辅助艾滋病和服务,符合基本资格 接受服务或参与项目或活动的要求 provided by a public entity (《lol菠菜网正规平台》). (DO-IT,残疾相关词汇表)

读 & 写: 文字转语音软件. E-text books, websites, and documents can be spoken aloud. 读 & Write provides tools that can be used to better strengthen learning which include 突出显示文本,拼写检查,屏幕色调等. 读 & 可安装写入 在PC, Mac和平板设备上.

读者: Volunteer or employee of an individual with 一个残疾 (e.g.,视力障碍; learning disability) who reads printed material in person or records to audiotape. (DO-IT,残疾相关词汇表)

阅读系统: Hardware and software designed to provide access to printed text for people with visual impairments, mobility impairments, or learning disabilities. 字符识别 software controls a scanner that takes an image of a printed page, converts it to 计算机文本使用识别软件,然后用合成的方法读取文本 的声音. (DO-IT,残疾相关词汇表)


  • A Capti一个r’s main function is to facilitate communication between the instructor, 失聪或有听力障碍的学生及其同学.
  • A Capti一个rs logistics in the classroom depend on the aesthetics in the classroom. It is important to have the most advantageous location, to optimally hear and see 这个讲座.
  • Real-time Capti一个r’s adhere to the same strict code of ethics as Interpreters.

屏幕放大: 增大计算机上字符和文本大小的硬件和/或软件 屏幕. (DO-IT,残疾相关词汇表)

屏幕阅读器:将电脑屏幕上的文字与音频输出相呼应的软件,常被人们使用 who are blind, with visual impairments, or with learning disabilities. (DO-IT,残疾相关词汇表)

半包间: A room with more privacy to aid in providing a distraction reduced environment. 半 包间可能是一个很大的空间,两个学生分开坐,足够 空间. AEC's Testing Center semi-private 空间s are cubical style with clear sliding 门. 

感觉障碍: 一种影响触觉、视觉和/或听力的残疾. (DO-IT,残疾相关词汇表)

手语: 聋人常用的手工交流 . 手势:手语中的手势或符号 是以语言的方式组织起来的. 每个单独的手势被称为一个手势. 每一个 sign has three distinct parts; the handshape, the position 我的手, and the movement 我的手. American Sign Language (ASL) is the most commonly used sign 语言 在美国. Deaf people from different countries speak different sign 语言s. (DO-IT,残疾相关词汇表)


  • 口译员的主要功能是促进讲师、 失聪或有听力障碍的学生及其同学, when said student uses sign 语言.
  • An Interpreters’ logistics in the classroom depend on subject matter.
  • 口译员坚持严格的道德规范,以保证有效的翻译 精确的沟通. This code of ethics is incorporated into the AEC’s Required 程序. AEC口译员受这些要求程序的约束.

Sonocent: Sonocent帮助学生通过录音来捕捉讲课内容,通过彩色编码进行注释 录音和添加幻灯片,回顾通过听回来,并在文本窗格中添加注释 并通过输出讲座或文本笔记来参与. Sonocent可以安装在PC, Mac, iOS和Android设备.

特殊学习障碍: 心理障碍在一个或多个与理解有关的基本心理过程中出现障碍 或在使用语言,口语或书面语,这可能会表现出困难 听,想,说,读,写,拼写,或做数学计算. 常见的限制包括多动症、注意力不集中、情绪不稳定、 视觉和/或听觉感知困难和/或运动受限,视情况而定 关于学习障碍的类型. (DO-IT,残疾相关词汇表)

语言障碍: Problems in communication and related areas such as oral motor function, ranging from simple sound substitutions to the inability to understand or use 语言 or 使用口头运动机制进行功能性语言. (DO-IT,残疾相关词汇表)

语音输入或语音识别: A method of controlling a computer and creating text by dictation. 语音输入软件 与麦克风结合. (DO-IT,残疾相关词汇表)

Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD) or Teletypewriter (TTY)一种使有语言或听力障碍的人能够使用电话的装置 当与有TDD/TTY的人交流时. TDD/TTYs可与 any teleph一个, and 一个 needs only a basic typing ability to use them. (DO-IT,残疾相关词汇表)

脑外伤(TBI): 开放性和闭合性头部损伤导致一个或多个区域受损,包括 cognition; 语言; memory; attention; reasoning; abstract thinking; judgment; problem-solving; sensory, perceptual, and motor abilities; psychosocial behavior; physical functions; information processing; and speech. 这个术语不适用于脑损伤 是先天性的,退行性的,还是由出生创伤引起的. (DO-IT,残疾相关词汇表)

通用设计:设计程序、服务、工具和设施,使它们可用,而不需要 修改时,由尽可能广泛的用户,考虑到多种情况 能力和残疾. (DO-IT,残疾相关词汇表)

指令通用性设计: The design of instructional materials and activities that make learning achievable by students with a wide variety 能力和残疾. (DO-IT,残疾相关词汇表

视力障碍: 失明:由于各种伤害或疾病而完全或部分丧失视力 包括先天性缺陷. 法定失明的定义是视力达到20/200 或者在视力较好的眼睛中使用矫正镜片,或者是最宽的视野直径 subtending an angular distance no greater than 20 degrees. (DO-IT,残疾相关词汇表)