

Policy No [pdf] Subject [pdf]

SS-S24-3 [pdf]

Reaffirming Freedom of Speech and Expression and Promoting Respectful and Civil Dialogue in our Campus Community

SS-S24-2 [pdf]

Support of Campus Culture of Collegial Curriculum Decision 
in Response to CSU Chancellor’s Office and CSU Trustees’ 
Impending Plans to Change General Education

SS-S24-1 [pdf]


SS-S23-6 [pdf]

Honoring and Thanking Dr. Alison McKee for her Service to the Senate and the University

SS-S23-5 [pdf]

Honoring Dr. Sharmin Khan for her Service to the Senate

SS-S23-4 [pdf]

Honoring and Recognizing a Day of Remembrance

SS-S23-3 [pdf]

感谢和支持博士. Ulia Gosart’s Initiative to Save Ukrainian Libraries from Destruction

SS-S23-2 [pdf]

In Opposition to Florida House Bill 999 and in Solidarity with Public University Faculty in the State of Florida

SS-S23-1 [pdf]

 In Opposition to the Exclusion of Faculty Early Retirement Program Faculty From Pandemic Compensation

SS-F22-1 [pdf]

Support and Solidarity with Iranian Women and University Communities Manifested in "Woman, Life, Freedom."

SS-S22-1 [pdf]

尊敬和感谢伊娃. Joice for Twenty Years as Senate Administrator

SS-F21-1 [pdf]

Honoring and Thanking Coach Sage Hopkins for His Service to the University

SS-S21-7 [pdf]

Advocating for a Collaborative Advising Structure

SS-S21-6 [pdf]

Honoring and Thanking Dr. Ravisha Mathur for Her Service to the Senate and University

SS-S21-5 [pdf]

Thanking Senator Kenneth Peter for his Long Service to the Senate and the University and Wishing Him All the Very Best in Retirement

SS-S21-4 [pdf]

Expressing Concern about the Athletics Administration at 菠菜网lol正规平台

SS-S21-3 [pdf]

Endorsement of  The University of Chicago Statement on Freedom of Expression

SS-S21-2 [pdf]

Expressing Support for Reform of RTP for Fairness, Equity, and Inclusion to be carried out by the Professional Standards Committee AY 2021-2022

SS-S21-1 [pdf]

Requesting the Appointment of a Presidential Task Force on the Needs of Native Students, Staff, and Faculty 

SS-F20-4 [pdf]

On Continuing Maximum Flexibility for Students during COVID-19

SS-F20-3 [pdf]

Opposing the Chancellor’s Implementation Process for AB 1460

SS-F20-2 [pdf]

Condemning Anti-Black Racism and Systemic Racism and Calling for 菠菜网lol正规平台 Academic Senate 促进种族平等的行动

SS-F20-1 [pdf]

Honoring 菠菜网lol正规平台 History: 150 Years In San Jose to be Celebrated October 20, 2020 as “Heritage Day”

SS-S20-9 [pdf]

Honoring Dr. Pamela Stacks

SS-S20-8 [pdf]

Honoring Dr. Bethany Shifflett

SS-S20-7 [pdf]

Expressing Support for the Report by the Pofessional Standards Committee:  "Improving Implementation of 圣何塞州立大学's Retention, Tenure, and Promotion Policies" [pdf] 并赞同其建议


SS-S20-6 [pdf]


Condemnation of Ethnocentrism, Xenophobia, and Racism in the Wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic

SS-S20-5 [pdf] Endorsing Senate Executive Committee Action on University Policy S20-7, Temporary Modification to University Policies F18-5, Grading Policy, and S16-16, Probation and Disqualification due to Special Circumstances of COVID-19
SS-S20-4 [pdf] Endorsing Senate Executive Committee Action on University Policy S20-4, Optional Exclusion of Student Opinion of Teaching Effectiveness Surveys (SOTEs) Administered During Spring 2020
SS-S20-3 [pdf] On Maximum Flexibility and support of 菠菜网lol正规平台 students during COVID-19-pandemic
SS-S20-2 [pdf] Option to Halt GE Assessment and/or Program Assessment for Spring 2020
SS-S20-1 [pdf] Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities affected by the COVID-19 Epidemic
SS-F19-2 [pdf] Celebrating 20 Years of Service-Learning at San Jose State University
SS-F19-1 [pdf] Opposing AB 1460 while Supporting Ethnic Studies at 菠菜网lol正规平台
SS-S19-2 [pdf] Honoring and Thanking Dr. Stefan J.S. Frazier for his Dedication and Service to the Senate and the University
SS-S19-1 [pdf] In Support of Increased Funding for the California State University SystemElectronic Core Collection
SS-F18-6 [pdf] Supporting the Adoption of the Tenets of Shared Governance by the Academic Senate 他是加州州立大学的教授
SS-F18-5 [pdf] Creating a Task Force for a Supportive Workplace and Calling Upon our Community to Preserve Civility and Combat Bullying at San Jose State University
SS-F18-4 [pdf] Honoring and Thanking Senator Peter Buzanski for his Long Service to the Senate and the University (Again!) And Wishing Him All the Very Best in his Retirement from the Senate
SS-F18-3 [pdf] Advocating for Additional Protections for the Privacy of Electronic Information at San Jose State University
SS-F18-2 [pdf] Expressing our Appreciation of the Life and Work of Dr. Amy Strage,学院副总裁 Development
SS-F18-1 [pdf] Information to the Campus Community for Serving and Assisting Undocumented Spartans
SS-S18-2 [pdf] Expressing our Appreciation and Good Wishes to Provost Andy Feinstein
SS-S18-1 [pdf] Honoring Professor Yoshihiro Uchida for His 70 years of Service to San Jose State University
SS-F17-4 [pdf] Faculty Trustee Report for Academic Senate
SS-F17-3 [pdf] Guidance on Implementation of EO 1064 Student Internships, Service Learning, and Off-Campus Learning Experiences
SS-F17-2 [pdf] On the Timelines and Content of Executive Orders 1100 and 1110 
SS-F17-1 [pdf] In Opposition to the Order to End the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program (DACA)
SS-S17-2 [pdf] Honoring and Thanking Dr. Michael L. Kimbarow for his Service to the Senate and the University
SS-S17-1 [pdf] Requesting Changes in the System wide Proposed Intellectual Propery Policy
SS-F16-1 [pdf] Reaffirming San Jose State University's Commitment to an Inclusive Campus Climate and our Determination to Provide a Safe, Supportive, and Welcoming Community
SS-S16-8 [pdf] Calling for Widespread Consultation Prior to Finalizing any Standards and/or Implementation Strategies Pertaining to Electronic Communications
SS-S16-7 [pdf] Honoring and Thanking Eva Joice for Fifteen years of Service as Senate Administrator
SS-S16-6 [pdf] Supporting Efforts to Reduce Costs for Textbooks by Encouraging the Use of High-Quality 开放教育资源课程材料
SS-S16-5 [pdf] 尊敬并感谢Susan W .校长. 感谢她为圣何塞州立大学做出的贡献 University
SS-S16-4 [pdf] Promoting San Jose State University's Support of the You Can Play Project
SS-S16-3 [pdf] Calling for the California State University and the California Faculty Association to Implement the Recommendations of the Neutral Fact-Finder's Report and Avert a Strike
SS-S16-2 [pdf] Honoring Dr. Gus Lease for His 65 Years of Service to San Jose State University
SS-S16-1 [pdf] 核心能力评估
SS-S15-7 [pdf] Supporting the Resolution Prepared by the Coalition on 校际体育 (COIA)
SS-S15-6 [pdf] Endorsing the Statement on Shared Governance at San Jose State University
SS-S15-5 [pdf] Honoring and Thanking Dr. Lynda Heiden for her Service to the Senate and the University
SS-S15-4 [pdf] Honoring and Thanking Dr. Judith Lessow-Hurley for her Service to the Senate and the University
SS-S15-3 [pdf] In Support of AS-3197-14, The Need for a Comprehensive California State University 学术自由政策
SS-S15-2 [pdf] 对CA第850号法案表示关注
SS-S15-1 [pdf] Applauding Ten Successful Years for the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Campus Reading Program and Urging its Continued Support by Students, Faculty, and Administration 
SS-F14-1 [pdf] 赞同美国科学促进会百年宣言
SS-S14-2 [pdf] Honoring and Thanking Dr. William Nance for his Service to the Senate and the University 在他回到学院的时候
SS-S14-1 [pdf] Concerning the Need to Continue to Increase the Proportion of Tenured and Tenure Track 圣何塞州立大学的教职工
SS-F13-8 [pdf] Endorsing a Proposal to Reform the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Policy on Retention, Tenure, and Promotion by Adopting the "Flexible Achievement" Plan
SS-F13-7 [pdf] Distribution and Spending of Funds from the Student Success, Excellence, and Technology Fee (SSETF)
SS-F13-6 [pdf] Condemning a Recent Act of Racial Hatred at San Jose State University and urging Follow-Through on Previously Existing Diversity Plans and Campus Climate Studies 
SS-F13-5 [pdf] Requesting that Chancellor Tim White Undertake a Prompt Review of 菠菜网lol正规平台 Governance
SS-F13-4 [pdf] Legislation to Ensure Continuous Faculty Trustee Presence on the California State 大学校董会
SS-F13-3 [pdf] 纪念李博士十周年. Martin Luther King Jr. Library
SS-F13-2 [pdf] Request for Appointment of a Faculty Trustee to the CSU Board of Trustees
SS-F13-1 [pdf] Supporting Official Campus Visits for all CSU Presidential Finalists
SS-S13-3 [pdf] Honoring and Thanking Beth Von Till for her service to the Senate and the University
SS-S13-2 [pdf] 上海外国语大学常用写作手册
SS-S13-1 [pdf] Urging Amendments to California SB 520 to Better Achieve its Purpose of Fostering Innovation in Teaching in California Higher Education
SS-F12-4 [pdf]

Commending AS on the 2013 Voter Registration Drive

SS-F12-3 [pdf] Using a Shared Governance Model to Preserve Integrative Learning within a 120 Unit Limit
SS-F12-2 [pdf] Urging that California Voters Become Well Informed About the Current State of Funding for Public Education in California and the Potential Impacts of Passage or Failure of Proposition 30
SS-F12-1 [pdf] 关于寻找新校长的事
SS-S12-5 [pdf] Honoring and Thanking Dr. Joan Merdinger for her Service to the Senate and the University
SS-S12-4 [pdf] 关于上海大学吸烟政策
SS-S12-3 [pdf] Endorsing the Development of University Learning Outcomes
SS-S12-2 [pdf] Honoring and Thanking Senator Ted Norton for His Service to the Senate and the University 在参议院成立60周年之际
SS-S12-1 [pdf] WASC审查指导委员会
SS-F11-2 [pdf] In Support of Rights to Peaceable Assembly
SS-F11-1 [pdf] 表达我们对博士的感谢. Gerry Selter
SS-S11-9 [pdf] Honoring and Thanking Rose Lee for her Service to the Senate and the University
SS-S11-8 [pdf] Honoring and Thanking Dr. Michael Kaufman for his Service to the Senate and the University
SS-S11-7 [pdf] 表达我们对Don W. Kassing, Again
SS-S11-6 [pdf] Support for Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity
SS-S11-5 [pdf] "Resolution to Urge the Board of Trustees to Delay Consideration of Waivers to the Existing Title 5 'American Institutions' Requirement"
SS-S11-4 [pdf] Condemnation of the Suspension of the Faculty Senate at Idaho State University
SS-S11-3 [pdf] Support for Proposed Voting Guidelines for Implementation of S06-7
SS-S11-2 [pdf] Opposition to the Implementation of Mandatory Early Start Programs
SS-S11-1 [pdf] Honoring and Thanking Fred Najjar for his service to the University and the Senate
SS-S10-4 [pdf] Honoring and Thanking Wiggsy Sivertsen for her service to the University and the Senate
SS-S10-3 [pdf] Honoring and Thanking Dr. Veril Phillips for his Service to the University and the Senate
SS-S10-2 [pdf] Support for Open Access to Scholarly Work and Research
SS-S10-1 [pdf] In Support of an Academic Senate 他是加州州立大学的教授 (ASCSU) Nominee as CSU Faculty Trustee
SS-F09-3 [pdf] In Support of ASCSU Resolution, AS-2912-09/FA, Furlough Implementation and Faculty Rights
SS-F09-2 [pdf] Opposition to the Reduction in State Support to the CSU System and a Call for Advocacy
SS-F09-1 [pdf] 核心学术活动的保存
SS-S09-3 [pdf] 表示感谢. Carmen Sigler
SS-S09-2 [pdf] Honoring and Thanking Dr. Sigurd Meldal for his Service to the Senate and to the University
SS-S09-1 [pdf] 支持通用电气工作小组的报告
SS-S08-6 [pdf] Honoring and Thanking Dr. Judith Lessow-Hurley for her Service to the Senate and to the University
SS-S08-5 [pdf] 表达我们对Don W. Kassing
SS-S08-4 [pdf] In Support of AS Resolution 0708-02, In Opposition to the Budget Cuts to Higher Education proposed in the State of California Governor's January 2008–2009 Budget
SS-S08-3 [pdf] Calling for a Task Force to Investigate Open Access to Publications through an 菠菜网lol正规平台 institutional repository, and make appropriate Recommendations
SS-S08-2 [pdf] 2008-2009共同价值观“诚信”
SS-S08-1 [pdf] 特朗普总统. Kassing for Supporting 菠菜网lol正规平台's Commitment to Non-Discrimination 暂停校园献血活动
SS-F07-5 [pdf] Affirming San Jose State University's Commitment to Complete Academic Freedom in the use of Library Resources
SS-F07-4 [pdf] 感谢博士的工作人员. Martin Luther King Library for its hard work during 明矾岩地震后的恢复
SS-F07-3 [pdf] 菠菜网lol正规平台 Response to the Proposed Differential Fee Increase for Graduate Business Degrees in the CSU
SS-F07-2 [pdf] 支援十月国际活动周. 28—Nov. 2, 2007
SS-F07-1 [pdf] 赞扬IRB特别工作组
SS-S07-7 [pdf] Creation of Annual Celebration of 菠菜网lol正规平台's Legacy of Poetry—关于上海大学诗歌遗产的信息
SS-S07-6 [pdf] 菠菜网lol正规平台 Shared Value for 2007–2008: Community
SS-S07-5 [pdf] Commending the Leadership of the WASC Re-Accreditation Review for Service to the University
SS-S07-4 [pdf] Library Resources to Support the Independent Ed.D.
SS-S07-3 [pdf] 反对更名建议
SS-S07-2 [pdf] The Importance of Settling the Contract Between the CSU and CFA
SS-S07-1 [pdf] Access to Electronic and Information Technology for Persons with Disabilities
SS-F06-3 [pdf] Honoring and Thanking Dr. Khaled Hosseini
SS-F06-2 [pdf] In Support of Revised Program Planning Guidelines
SS-F06-1 [pdf] In Support of Associated Students, San Jose State University's 2006 Campus-wide Voter Registration Drive
SS-S06-9 [pdf] Amendment to SS-S01-4 [pdf], Regarding Recommended Safeguards Around Issues of Assessment
SS-S06-8 [pdf] Honoring and Thanking Dr. Sally Veregge for her Service to the Senate and to the University
SS-S06-7 [pdf] 向参议员大卫·麦克尼尔致敬
SS-S06-6 [pdf] Guidelines
SS-S06-5 [pdf] Improving Textbook Affordability and Availability
SS-S06-4 [pdf] 专业发展计划
SS-S06-3 [pdf] 学生组织辅导
SS-S06-2 [pdf] Adding Promotion Review to RTP Committee Responsibilities and Rename as the University Retention, Tenure, and Promotion Committee—RTP
SS-S06-1 [pdf] 绩效评估周期- rtp
SS-F05-4 [pdf] 上海大学2006-2007年度共享价值 
SS-F05-3 [pdf] To Maintain the Purpose and Approach of EO 595 
SS-F05-2 [pdf] Honoring J. William Fulbright on the Occasion of the Celebration of his Centennial Year 
SS-F05-1 [pdf] Honoring Robert D. Clark, Eighteenth President of San Jose State University
SS-S05-12 [pdf] Faculty Compensation and the Crisis in Recruiting and Retaining Faculty of High Quality
SS-S05-11 [pdf] Joining the Coalition of 校际体育 (COIA)
SS-S05-10 [pdf] Honoring and Thanking Dr. Annette Nellen for her service to the Senate, the University
SS-S05-9 [pdf] Commending Dean Breivik for her Senate Service
SS-S05-8 [pdf] 批准教统会周年报告-2005年图书馆报告(pdf) [pdf]
SS-S05-7 [pdf] 菠菜网lol正规平台 Shared Values
SS-S05-6 [pdf] Adoption of Preliminary Plan to Convert the Current SOTE Paper-based Process to an 网上(网络)收集系统
SS-S05-5 [pdf] 〇推进通识教育AAC&U关于自由学习的声明Information on AAC&U's LEAP Campaign
SS-S05-4 [pdf] Planning for San Jose State University's Sesquicentennial Celebration
SS-S05-3 [pdf] 退休教师表彰
SS-S05-2 [pdf] Endorsing the Goals and Vision Drafted by the Goals Advisory Council
SS-S05-1 [pdf] Call for Increased Attention to Campus Climate Policy Violations and Broader Understanding 政策的支持
SS-F04-6 [pdf] Requesting Interim President Kassing to Create a Task Force to Develop a Plan to Reduce 国防情报局对普通基金的依赖
SS-F04-5 [pdf] To Co-Sponsor a Forum on Shared Values as an Initial Step in Strategic Planning
SS-F04-4 [pdf] Supporting an Annual Forum on Academic Freedom
SS-F04-3 [pdf] 表达我们对Peter C. 李和为他的死而悲伤
SS-F04-2 [pdf] Endorsing Activities to Build a Culture of Reading to 菠菜网lol正规平台
SS-F04-1 [pdf] Supporting Associated Students, San Jose State University's 2004 Campus Wide Voter Registration Drive
SS-S04-10 [pdf] Opposing the Budget Agreement between the Chancellor and the Governor
SS-S04-9 [pdf] Infusion of Information Literacy into the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Curriculum
SS-S04-8 [pdf] Supporting Academic Integrity Week to be Held each Fall
SS-S04-7 [pdf] Expressing our Appreciation of Joe Crowley
SS-S04-6 [pdf] Request to President Yu to Create a Task Force to consider the Appropriate Athletics Program for 菠菜网lol正规平台
SS-S04-5 [pdf] Sense of the Senate Resolution Accepting the Department Chair Task Force Report—Report of the Academic Senate Task Force on Dept. Chairs (pdf) [pdf]
SS-S04-4 [pdf] Report Regarding Athletic General Fund Budget
SS-S04-3 [pdf] Endorsing Budget Priorities for 2004/2005
SS-S04-2 [pdf] 通过第56号提案
SS-S04-1 [pdf] 通过第55号提案
SS-F03-3 [pdf] 保护校园树木
SS-F03-2 [pdf] To Co-Sponsor Four Accreditation Forums this Academic Year
SS-F03-1 [pdf] To Co-Sponsor a Dossier Preparation Workshop every September
SS-S03-7 [pdf] 嘉许新博士. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library
SS-S03-6 [pdf] Regarding the Report on Evaluation of the General Education Assessment Process
SS-S03-5 [pdf] Regarding the Report of the Task Force on the Recruitment and Retention of a Diverse Faculty
SS-S03-4 [pdf] WASC审查指导委员会
SS-S03-3 [pdf] 菠菜网lol正规平台 Library Budget Study Report and Recommendations—(预算报告)(pdf) [pdf]
SS-S03-2 [pdf] Urging the CSU to give Campuses Maximum Flexibility in Dealing with the Budget Crisis
SS-S03-1 [pdf] Endorsing the CSU Academic Senate Resolution on Student-Faculty Ratio(SFR)
SS-F02-4 [pdf] Regarding the CSU's 2003/2004 Support Budget
SS-F02-3 [pdf] Authorizing Senate Sponsorship of a Forum on the Budget and Academic Affairs
SS-F02-2 [pdf] Endorsing Budget Priorities for AY 2003–2004
SS-F02-1 [pdf] Honoring and Celebrating the Life of Senator Roy E. Young
SS-S02-7 [pdf] Endorsing the Attached Report:  Faculty/Student Preferences under Year-Round Operations
SS-S02-6 [pdf] Endorsing the Attached Report:  Alleviating Faculty Workload at 菠菜网lol正规平台
SS-S02-5 [pdf] Endorsing Membership in the Worker's Rights Consortium
SS-S02-4 [pdf] Endorsing the Knight Commission Report and Calling for Actions Related to 菠菜网lol正规平台 Athletics
SS-S02-3 [pdf] 大学对讲师的认可
SS-S02-2 [pdf] Authorizing Senate Sponsorship of Two Forums featuring Provost Goodman
SS-S02-1 [pdf] Endorsing Budget Priorities for AY 2002/2003 "The Priorities Resolution" as per F96-4, 2.2
SS-F01-2 [pdf] On Behalf of More Proportional Representation on the CSU Academic Senate
SS-F01-1 [pdf] Condemning the September 11 Terrorist Attacks, Expressing Sympathy for the Injured and Killed, and Reaffirming our Commitment to Tolerance and Diversity
SS-S01-7 [pdf] Endorsing Budget Priorities for AY 2001/2002
SS-S01-6 [pdf] Resolution Endorsing MUSE (Metropolitan University Scholars Experience)
SS-S01-5 [pdf] Endorsing an Ed.D in the CSU System
SS-S01-4 [pdf] Regarding Recommended Safeguards around issues of Assessment
SS-S01-3 [pdf] Critical Issues for the Future of San Jose
SS-S01-2 [pdf] Departmental Relations with Retired Faculty
SS-S01-1 [pdf] Supporting the University's Hosting of the 15th Annual CSU Student Research Competition
SS-F00-6 [pdf] Year Round Operations at San Jose State University
SS-F00-5 [pdf] Opposition to Proposition 38: School Vouchers
SS-F00-4 [pdf] 表彰男子棒球队
SS-F00-3 [pdf] Declaring an Annual University Heritage Day
SS-F00-2 [pdf] Adopting principles for guiding the consideration of a partnering arrangements for 上海大学的设施发展
SS-F00-1 [pdf] To co-sponsor a workshop with CFA and the Office of Faculty Affairs on Dossier Preparation
SS-S00-6 [pdf] To have the Affirmative Action Committee Sponsor and Co-Sponsor Forums and Workshops on Topics Related toFaculty Hiring and Retention.
SS-S00-5 [pdf] 拟议的标题5修订
SS-S00-4 [pdf] Extended hour study space
SS-S00-3 [pdf] 支持第26号提案
SS-S00-2 [pdf] To Co-Sponsor a symposium with Joint Venture: Silicon Valley Network and The Planning & Conservation League on the Environmental Goals of VISION 2010
SS-S00-1 [pdf] Not Flying State Flags Incorporating the Confederate Flag and Honoring the NAACP Boycott of South Carolina
SS-F99-9 [pdf] Response to the Governor's Call for a Community Service Requirement
SS-F99-8 [pdf] Endorsing Budget Priorities for AY 2000/2001 "The Priorities Resolution" as per F96-4, 2.2
SS-F99-7 [pdf] Cosponsoring the Faculty Service Recognition and Awards Luncheon
SS-F99-6 [pdf] Out of Crisis: Reforming Governance 他是加州州立大学的教授
SS-F99-5 [pdf] CSU责任回应草案
SS-F99-4 [pdf] Evaluation of Faculty Merit Increase (FMI)
SS-F99-3 [pdf] 授予金融信息服务的平等主义原则
SS-F99-2 [pdf] Expressing Our Sorrow for the Death of Academic Senator Ann Doordan and Appreciation for her Life
SS-F99-1 [pdf] To Co-Sponsor a Forum with CFA and the Office of Faculty Affairs on the CSU-CFA Agreement
SS-S99-7 [pdf] Endorsing Joint Venture Silicon Valley Network Vision 2010
SS-S99-6 [pdf] 参议员肯尼斯·彼得的表彰
SS-S99-5 [pdf] "Out of Crisis--Reinventing the CSU" Recommendations to the Governor and Legislature of California
SS-S99-4 [pdf] Response to the Imposition of Terms and Conditions of Employment by Chancellor Reed 以及科罗拉多州立大学董事会
SS-S99-3 [pdf] Status of the Faculty Contract After the Rejection of the Proposed Tentative Agreement
SS-S99-2 [pdf] Requesting Formal Recognition of a Transit, Traffic, and Parking Advisory Committee
SS-S99-1 [pdf] Endorsing Budget Priorities for AY 99-00: "The Priorities Resolution" as per F96-4, 2.2
SS-F98-2 [pdf] Response to the CSU Cornerstones Draft Implementation Plan
SS-F98-1 [pdf] 劳资谈判僵局
SS-S97-6 [pdf] Response to Academic Priorities Steering Committee Report
SS-S97-5 [pdf] 对重新设计工作队报告的回应
SS-S97-4 [pdf] Request to Debate Congressman Solomon on the "Solomon Amendment"
SS-S97-3 [pdf] Condemning the "Solomon Amendment" and Affirming Civil Rights and Academic Freedom
SS-S97-2 [pdf] 批准97-98年度预算优先事项
SS-S97-1 [pdf] Supporting President Caret's Prudent Handling of ROTC Events
SS-F96-4 [pdf] 教育公平与CCRI
SS-F96-1 [pdf] Investigation into Library Discard Incident
SS-S96-4 [pdf] 学生计费信息
SS-S96-3 [pdf] Priorities for Implementing "Diversity Resolution"
SS-F95-3 [pdf] PSSIs should be awarded in one step increments
SS-S95-6 [pdf] 本科生辅导
SS-S95-5 [pdf] Measures to Foster Appreciation of Diversity—建议多样性的报告(pdf) [pdf]
SS-S95-1 [pdf] 反对研究生学费差别
SS-S94-3 [pdf] 校际体育
SS-S94-2 [pdf] Domestic Partners
SS-S93-12 [pdf] Report from Senate Special Committee on 校际体育 (ICA)
SS-S84-2 [pdf] Report on SS-S83-9, 校际体育
SS-S83-9 [pdf] Use of Instructional Funds and Position for 校际体育
SS-S82-7 [pdf] Use of Instructional Funds for 校际体育